스터디/AWS Study(13)
EC2 for Solutions Architects
a) EC2 instances are billed by the second, t2.micro is free tier b) On Linux/Mac we use SSH, on Windows we use Putty c) SSH is on port 22, lock down the security group to your IP d) Timeout issues => Security groups issues e) Permission issues on the SSH key => run "chmod 0400" f) Security Groups can reference other Security Groups instead of IP ranges (very popular exam question) g) Know the di..
2020.02.02 -
As we saw, AWS comes with base images such as: - ubuntu, fedora, redhat, windows, ets.. These images can be customised at runtime using EC2 User data But what if we could create our own image? That's an AMI- an image to use to create our instances AMI can be built for Linux or Windows machines then whay would you use a custom AMI? - Using a custom built AMI can provide for the following advantag..
2020.02.02 -
EC2 Instance Launch Types
- On Demand Instances: short workload, predictable pricing - Reserved Instances: long workloads (>= 1 year) - Convertible Reserved Instances: long workloads with flexible instances - Scheduled Reserved Instances: launch within time window you reserve - Spot Instances: short workloads, for cheap, can lose instances - Dedicated Instances: no other customers will share your hardware - Dedicated Hos..
2020.02.02 -
Private versus a Public IP (IPv4)
Networking has two sorts of IPs IPv4 and IPv6: - IPv4: - IPv6:3ffe: 1900:4545:3:200:f8ff:fe21:67cf IPv4 is still the most common format used online. IPv6 is newer and solves problems for the IoT IPv4 allows for 3.7B different addresses in the public space IPv4: [0-255].[0-255].[0-255].[0-255] Public IP: - Public IP means the machine can be identified on the internet(WWW) - Must be u..
2020.02.02 -
Security Groups
Security Groups are the fundamental of network security in AWS They control how traffic is allowed into or out of our EC2 Machines It is the most fundamental skill to learn to troubleshoot networking issues Security groups are acting as a "firewall" on EC2 instances They regulate: - Access to Ports - Authorised IP ranges - IPv4 and IPv6 - Control of inbound network (from other to the instance) -..
2020.02.02 -
EC is one of most popular of AWS offering It mainly consists in the capability of : - Rendering virtual machines (EC2) - Storing data on virtual drives (EBS) - DIstributing load across machines (ELB) - Scaling the services using an auto-scaling group (ASG) AMI is stand for Amazon Machine Image