Load Balancers for Solutions Architect

2020. 2. 5. 13:44스터디/AWS Study

Classic Load Balancers: questions on security groups, stickiness

Application Load Balancer (Layer 7 of OSI):

- Support routing based on hostname (users.example.com & payments.example.com)

- Support routing based on path (example.com/users & example.com/payments)

- Support redirects (from HTTP to HTTPS for example)

- Support dynamic host port mapping with ECS

NLB(Layer 4 of OSI) gets a static IP per AZ:

- Public facing: must attach Elastic IP - can help whitelist by clients

- Private facing: will get random private IP based on free ones at time of creation

- Has cross zone balancing

- Has SSL termination (Jan 2019)

The load balancer uses an X.509 certificate (SSL/TLS server certificate)

You can manage certificates using ACM(AWS Certificate Manager)

You can create upload your own certificates alternatively

HTTPS listener:

- You must specify a default certificate

- You can add an optional list of certs to support multiple domains

 - Clinets can use SNI (Server Name Indication) to specify the hostname they reach 

- Ability to specify a security policy to support older versions of SSl / TLS (legacy clients) 

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